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What the “2D” and “Treats” Mean to Me [and Other Personal Tales]

I grew up watching cartoons on the floor of my parent’s living room. I would stare up at the TV and wonder what it would be like to immerse myself in these two-dimensional worlds.

The one connection I found between these worlds was food.

I would see these fantastical feasts and think “it’s not real, but it could be. That dessert or meal could actually exist if I made it.”

The issue in me starting this blog is that, I am no chef. I can follow a recipe pretty okay, but when it comes to making my own creation, count me out.

However, since I am not a chef or a baker or anything close to that nature, I know that anyone can recreate these two-dimensional treats if I was able to do it.

During the holidays, baking always brought my family together. We would spend the whole day cooped up inside with the oven going making batches and batches of cookies. There was this one time where we made so many, we completely ran out of counter space! We ended up packaging a lot of the goodies up and sending them to friends, family, and loved ones alike. It was something we all enjoyed and not only did it bring us together, but it brought us comfort.

When my family would visit my grandmother in New York for Christmas, we always ended up baking cookies. I know everybody says Grandma’s cookies are the best and honestly, they’re correct. I don’t know what she puts in them that makes them so good every time, but maybe it's just a secret that all grandmothers have and we won’t know until we are a grandmother ourselves.

Anyways, aside from that, movies and television also brought my family together the same way baking did. Since both my mother and father work different schedules, it was hard to find time to be together as a family. However, when we found that time, we spent it watching movies in the living room with our two dogs there as well! We would run to the grocery store to pick up ice cream and then we would bake brownies and eat them while watching TV. It was simple, but it brought all of us happiness.

With both cartoons and baking/cooking being such a huge staple in my life, I thought it would be a fun idea to document my journey in trying to create some of these treats from cartoons such as Adventure Time and Sailor Moon. Not only am I going to document these attempts but I’m also going to try and teach you all! Maybe through my mistakes, but hopefully through my successes!

And of course, I’ll include links to recipes I use and add my own tips if I decide to do something a bit different! It’s important to note that recipes are just a guide! If you want to add your own ingredients, go for it! I am just trying to make these recreations look (and I guess…taste?) just like their cartoon counterpart.

Each source I recreate food from on this blog will have a sentimental meaning to me, so I hope that maybe we can connect through our favorite shows or movies and why they were and are so important to us now. I know a lot of the cartoons I watched growing up taught me so much about not only myself but the world around me. I learned the importance of mistakes and how I should not let them define me, but rather teach me. I learned to love what I have and to share that love with others. Most importantly, I learned the importance of fun and being silly. Let me tell you, life gets exhausting if you have to be serious all the time. It’s crucial to let your guard down and have fun! You don’t want to get gray hairs this early!

Not all cartoons have morals, but a lot of them do (even if sometimes they’re super hard to find!). I hope that through this blog I can share some positivity as well as recipes for how to create these two-dimensional treats and make them three dimensional at home (or where ever you decide to cook!).

I firmly believe that cooking and baking is a great way to bring people together. So, if you have friends who also enjoy these movies or shows, it would be so much fun to have them over and try these recreations I’ll post here or even try some of your own from your favorite sources! Maybe you could put on the show, or music from the show and just chill with some friends making yummy food. Just remember to be safe, because unfortunately, COVID is still a thing we have to worry about.

Here's a picture of me when I was fourteen with a cake I made for a Doctor Who season premiere viewing party (gosh has it already been almost seven years?)

I know this cake doesn't really look all that great, but I promise you it was absolutely delicious.


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